About us
Phuket Laundry entered into the business arena in 1979 to provide professional commercial laundry services to hotel establishments. Guided by an ambitious vision of moving "Toward World-Class Excellence" since its inception, our current geographical presence extends across Phuket, Krabi and Phang Nga with the support of our fleet of 19 well-maintained service trucks. We are strategically positioned in the marketplace as a fully integrated commercial laundry service provider readily equipped with a full range of state-of-the-art machinery, equipment and technology. These corporate capabilities lay the foundation for our top-quality and punctual laundry services.
Course in numbers
The best way to improve your professional skills and increase your value
Cleaned items
Happy clients
Years of good work

Our service

We offer a wide range of services in creative spheres. Note what we can offer to your company.
Hotel Laundry Services
Phuket Laundry has been recognized as a professional commercial laundry service provider for leading hotels across Phuket and other nearby southern provinces for over three decades. Capitalizing on long years of practical experience in the business, we have acquired expertise and gained real insight into hotel laundry services.
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Room cleaning service
We help to create specialists portraits, develop ways of training of personnel. We develop branding for new companies or rebrand products. Our competitions are company identity, packaging, brand audition, copywriting, brandbook etc.
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Uniform rental service
Developing new products and business processes, timing developing, cost estimation, ways of motivation, documentation and all life important of a company.
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Our clients
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to write us.


  • You:
    Ok, so what is RSVP?
    Hidalgo Innovation:
    In the context of social invitations, RSVP is a request for a response from the invited person or people. It is an initialism derived from the French phrase Répondez s'il vous plaît, literally "Reply if you please" or "Please reply".
  • You:
    How do I find out I've been invited?
    Hidalgo Innovation:
    A black raven will appear on your windowsill, a paper scroll attached to his leg. You'll need to fugure out how to take it off. Everything you'll need to know will be written there. Don't forget to send your raven back.
Contact us
091 8251260
+66 (0) 93 6820049


151/37 Moo, 4 Maikhao Subdisctrict, Thalang Phuket, 83110 Thailand
© All Right Reserved. Hidalgo Innovation Laundry. Phuket

091 8251260
+66 (0) 93 6820049

151/37 Moo, 4 Maikhao Subdisctrict, Thalang Phuket, 83110 Thailand